Grade 7

Holy Week

Hello Grade 7 Parents,

We closed out our first week back from Spring Break with a fun activity with our Kindergarten buddies in which we made palm leaves for Palm Sunday using our…palms!

This Sunday is Palm Sunday and it marks the beginning of Holy Week. Here are some important details about the week ahead:

Monday April 3rd – Wednesday April 5th

These are final three morning Lenten Masses at 8:15am, each being led by the Grade 7 class. Here at the readers for these Masses:

Monday April 3rd – Beatrice (First Reading), Hendrix (Psalm)

Tuesday April 4th – Gianna (First Reading), Jaiden (Psalm)

Wednesday April 5th – Kristie (First Reading), Noah (Psalm)

Thank you for ensuring your child has been present for these Masses in preparing their hearts and minds for the coming of Christ at Easter!

Thursday April 6th – Last Supper Presentation

As I mentioned in the previous blog post, this Thursday the Grade 7 class will lead the Last Supper presentation in the gym. All students in Grade 7 are participating in this presentation as readers, musicians and/or performers. The presentation begins at 10:45am. Please join us if you can!

Friday April 7th – Good Friday (No School)

Monday April 10th – Easter Monday (No SchoolO



Vancouver Art Gallery Permission Forms – Due Wednesday April 5th.

A huge thank you to Mr. Lo, Mrs. Ching, and Mrs. Lai for being the first three parents to offer to supervise on this enriching field trip! A reminder that this field trip will take place on Tuesday April 18th.

Confirmation Registration and Sponsor Forms – These were due yesterday (Friday March 31st) to the Parish Office. If you have not handed in these forms, please do so on Monday as the office is closed over the weekend.

Parent and Student Letters to Archbishop Michael Miller:

Please have your child turn in your letters (parent/student) in a sealed envelope (with a signature over the seal) to me by Wednesday April 12th.

Have a wonderful weekend!

Best, Mr. Kirkham