From the Principal

Holy Week

Dear St. Paul Families,

The Lenten Season started on Ash Wednesday with all of our students receiving their ashes.  As the season comes closer to its end, we should be discussing with our children at home the upcoming very important days of the Easter Triduum – Holy Thursday, Good Friday and Easter Sunday.  Holy Week is upon us, and as parents we took on the responsibility to support our children’s faith journey at the time of their baptism.

Educating your children in a Catholic school is one way to support their growth in the knowledge of their faith.  It is you, the parents, who are the primary educators of your children, especially in their faith.  These three important days are ones our children should know – why they happened, and why we continue to celebrate the Easter Season. Under the guidance of Father Luterbach, Father Edwin, and Father Geo, as well as with the teachers, the children finish their Lenten journey at home with you this week. Together, the school, parents and the church are one trinity working together to ensure we honour our baptismal promise and secure a place in Heaven for our children.

A blessed Holy Week to all.

Yours in faith,

Maureen Moorehead.