From the Principal

Open Parachute Check In

Hello St. Paul Community,

We are exactly half way through the school year, and school life has been wonderfully non-stop since Sept. 6th.   I felt it was a good time to do a check in on what I feel is the most important component of learning this year, and that is the mental health content in our school-wide Open Parachute program.

Of particular importance are the units that are designed to be used by parents to help support your child at home and boost their emotional awareness.  Parents learn to boost resilience in their child, help them set boundaries, encourage self-reflection, assist children with developing healthy online habits, and protect them from abuse and harm.

Equipping parents with the knowledge and skills to supplement what is being learned at school doubles your child’s chance of creating healthy habits, which in turn contribute to a mentally healthy development through their teen years and into adulthood.

Sometimes we as parents need to also examine our own use of social media, or just being on our devices in general.  What example are we setting in the home?  Am I fully present? Am I having meaningful conversations with my child, with full eye contact and undivided attention?  Do I take an interest in hearing about the events of their day?  Do we do activities together that don’t involve a screen?

The way children and adults communicate and interact now has changed, but foundational human needs have not.  In order to successfully enter the online world, children need to be equipped with the tools to positively navigate their path.  These tools come from a healthy balance of guidance and example from trusted adults with whom the child has formed a foundational attachment.

Please continue to do your part with the parent information that is sent home by your child’s teacher, as well as school-wide “Quick Tips” sheets sent home from the office.

The children are counting on us.


Yours in faith,

Maureen Moorehead.