From the Principal

A different kind of Easter Triduum…

Dear Parents,

For the last 24 years I have spent Holy Week deeply involved in school activities surrounding Palm Sunday, the Last Supper, and the Stations of the Cross, all in preparation for the most blessed and joyous day of our liturgical calendar – Easter Sunday.  Not being able to share in these days with the students and my colleagues this week has challenged my head and my heart.  I was grateful to participate with the Gr. 7s this morning in their YouTube livestream of morning prayer and the Last Supper. A special thank you to the Gr. 7 students for your happy chatter and Easter greetings, they warmed my heart.

As Holy week comes to a close, I would like to take this opportunity to thank the students and staff for their devotion and reverence towards this Lenten season.  We are part of a community, working closely with the parish and with our parents, to plant the seed of truth that will help guide our children through their journey to Heaven.  It is these beliefs and values that we pass down to our children that we, as their parents, promised at their Baptism.  As Pope Francis tells us, we are all called to spread the Good News, to enter the doors of the church (hopefully soon!) to thank our Saviour for opening the gates of Heaven, and for giving us His only Son so that we can live in truth.  God bless our school and families.  We wish you all a wonderful, safe, and joyous Easter!  Stay healthy.

Yours in faith,

Maureen Moorehead.