From the Principal

Sexuality and Your Child

This coming Monday evening we have a very important parent meeting for all parents in Grades 4 to 7.  We are all aware that parents are the first teachers of their children, and helping children form a healthy understanding of human relationships, sexuality, and dating through the lens of our Catholic faith is of significant importance.  It is normal for parents to have some discomfort when talking about such issues, therefore our goal is to allow you, the parents, the opportunity to learn about the topics that directly relate to your children at this time, and in the teen and young adult years to come.  In turn, you can then pass along the information to your children with the knowledge and confidence that you are guiding their development into young adulthood with an informed approach, and from the perspective of our faith.  The staff of St. Paul’s are excited to support you in this important journey, and look forward to welcoming you this Monday evening, Apr. 23rd at 7:00 pm.  At least one parent from each family in Gr. 4 to 7 is expected to attend.  For more details, please see the letter from Archbishop Miller that was sent home with your child last Monday.

Yours in faith,

Maureen Moorehead.