From the Principal

Sexuality and Your Child

This coming Monday evening we have a very important parent meeting for all parents in Grades 4 to 7.  We are all aware that parents are the first teachers of their children, and helping children form a healthy understanding of human relationships, sexuality, and dating through the lens of our Catholic faith is of significant importance.  It […]


This coming Easter Sunday we will be able to proclaim Alleluia, Alleluia! Christ is Risen!  This is the truth on which we build our faith, and now we are challenged to proclaim and live this truth, which is not as easy as it sounds.  Looking back to Holy Week at our school, I would like […]

Remember that you are dust, and to dust you shall return. Genesis 3:19

As we break for Spring Break today, we continue to reflect during this Lenten season.  During Lent we observe a period of fasting, repentance, moderation, and spiritual discipline.  Making God the centre of our life is what the Lenten Season is all about, and when we do this, then we are ready to do His […]

Yesterday was Pink Day, in support of anti-bullying.  I have shared this in my principal’s message before, but it is surely worth sharing again.  For those who aren’t aware, here is how Pink Day came to be:  It started in a high school in Nova Scotia, where a new Gr. 9 student was teased by […]

The Feast of St. Paul

Today’s celebration of our Feast Day in honour of St. Paul was a wonderful gathering of community and faith.  Many hands went in to putting this special day together, and we are ever so thankful for their devotion and hard work.  Our school and parish community is certainly something to cherish. As a young man, […]

New Blogtrottr subscription codes

Good morning St. Paul Parents, Hopefully you have all had a chance to sneak a peek at our new school website – Below are the new codes to re-subscribe to the blogs that you would like to receive alerts from on Blogtrottr. Here are the directions: 1. Go to: 2. Enter the URL […]

Happy New Year!

Joy to the World, the Saviour has been born!  Happy New Year and I hope you all had a great Christmas.  2018 will bring new challenges, new opportunities and many occasions to celebrate our school, including our St. Paul Feast Day on Thursday, Jan. 25th.  We look forward to celebrating this special day as a […]

Waiting and Preparing

The Advent season is upon us, beginning with our Advent assembly this Friday.   We too often equate Advent with Christmas, when in fact we need to distinctly separate the time of patient waiting and preparation for our Saviour, from the joy when we can fully receive Him on Christmas day.  The school will be busy […]