Grade 1

Week of Feb. 20-24

Hello Grade One Families!

What an exciting week! This week we celebrated both Valentine’s Day and our 100th Day of School! Thank you to all families that sent Valentine’s treats for the students and teachers. We are so lucky and thankful! We also loved all of the creative projects & costumes to celebrate our 100th day of school! We look forward to our 100 Day Gallery walk this week!

This week, we also begin the Lenten season on Ash Wednesday. Through prayer, fasting, and almsgiving, the students will explore the ways they can grow closer to Jesus during Lent. Starting on Thursday, Feb. 23, we will attend morning Mass at 8:15 am everyday together. All students are strongly encouraged to attend Mass together with their school community. There is an area for backpacks, and a reserved section for the students in the front to sit with the teachers. Mass starts at 8:15 am, so please arrive on time. Parents are also welcome and encouraged to stay for Mass too!


Here are some notes for the upcoming week:

Word Study Unit: a_e /ā/

Student of the Week: Eden

Open Parachute Unit (at School): Friendship Challenges

Open Parachute Unit (at Home): Social Media & Self-Esteem



  • No School (Family Day)


  • Pink Shirt Day dress down (Students can dress out of uniform, wearing pink, in support of anti-bullying)
  • Home Reading Folders (if forgotten on Friday)
  • Music with Mr. Kelly today


  • Ash Wednesday School Mass @ 9:15 am
  • No PE today (will be Thursday instead)
  • 2 pm dismissal


  • Daily Lenten School Mass @ 8:15 am
  • White Spot Hot Lunch for those who ordered (please bring cutlery)
  • PE today
  • French with Mme. Caprilli today


  • Daily Lenten School Mass @ 8:15 am
  • Word Study Assessment: a_e /ā/
  • PE with Mr. Kelly today


Upcoming Dates:

  • Fukuroku Hot Lunch- Friday, March 3rd (for those who ordered)


Please email us at and, or write a note in your child’s agenda if you have any questions or concerns. 

Mrs. Dos Santos & Ms. Carroll 🙂