Hi everyone,
I was finally back to school this week after being off on a brief paternal leave to be home with my daughter, Phoebe. She is doing well, gaining weight and bringing us lots of joy and smiles. Thank you so much for the thoughtful card and generous gift for Phoebe – and thank you for your prayers for us!
(Margot and George amazed at their new sibling)
CSL Reports
Last week your child’s progress report was sent home. Please let me know if you have any questions regarding anything on the report. Thank you for signing and sending back the report card cover!
As we gear up for our virtual art gallery visit with the Vancouver Art Gallery on February 24th (we will be given a live guided tour virtually by their tour guides), the students have been creating wonderful pieces of art using a variety of mediums to communicate their interpretations of a variety of different themes we have been exploring across the curriculum. Here is a sample of two such activities:
First, we read the passage from Acts of the Apostles describing the encounter Saul (Paul) has with Jesus on the road to Damascus, sparking his ‘conversion’ to belief in Jesus and the Way. The students looked at pieces by a number of different artists depicting this event and then created their own image that conveys this turning point in Paul’s life.
Second, on Black Excellence Day, we learned about the role of traditional African music in our modern pop music as a consequence of the slave trade. Students then identified artists and themes they wanted to depict, and then taking used vinyl records, they created these symbols of black culture in modern music.
Monday February 14th
Dress down in red, pink and white colours. No donation required.
Thursday and Friday Feb 17-18 – CEC Conference – No school
No school due to our two professional days for the annual CISVA Catholic Educator Conference.
Monday Feb 21 – Family Day – No School
No school due to Family Day
Have a wonderful rest of your weekend!
Mr. Kirkham