Grade 3

October 17th ~ 21st

Hello Grade 3 Families,

I’m really pleased at how much improvement I see in the students ability to stay focused and on task for longer periods of time. This is great, since we will be starting our Read Well program next week! I will have one group with me at the blue table while the other students work independently. The students working at their tables will be changing station activities every 20 minutes.

Now that the students have done the Read Well assessment and are grouped within the same level, the spelling words will be different depending on their unit placement. The students will continue to write their spelling words in their agenda on the last day of the week for their homework practice.

We have also started using SplashLearn for extra math practice. I will be connecting you to your child’s account via your email so that they can have access to it at home.

Next Monday the Grade 3 students will also be starting the Heggerty Phonological Awareness program. I will be sending an attachment to your email with additional information on this program.

I would also like to add that the students will be doing their “Apostles’Creed” oral presentations next week. If your child has not yet memorized it, please have them work on memorizing it this weekend.

I am really looking forward to meeting each of you individually for the Parent Teacher Conferences. It will be great to be able share with you where your child is in their learning 🤗💙!

Here are the reminders for this week:

Monday ~ October 17th

  • PE
  • Pizza Hot Lunch

Tuesday ~ October 18th 

  • Retake Photo Day
  • PE

Wednesday ~ October 19th

  • French
  • Student-Led Assembly at 1 pm: Grades 4 & 2 ~ you are welcome to join us
  • Dismissal is at 2 pm

Thursday ~ October 20th

  • Mass at 9:15 am led by Grade 3 ~ you are welcome to join us
  • Library
  • School ends at noon
  • Parent Teacher Conferences start at 1 p.m.

Friday ~ October 14th

  • Parent Teacher Conferences ~ no school

Here is the link for the parents who would like to place Scholastic Book orders in the month of  October.

  • Please enter Teacher Code: RC143526 to place an order online. This allows Grade 3 to receive points to order new books and various items for the classroom.

If you have any questions or concerns throughout the school year, please make an appointment to see me or email me at

Have a wonderful week!

Ms Boily