Hello Grade One Families!
It was so wonderful to welcome so many of you into our Grade One classroom today! We hope that you enjoyed being led by your child around the room to explore! Although it was only a snapshot of the learning that takes place each day – we hope the experience was memorable for you and your child! We are so proud of each of the students for showing you some of their amazing skills, talents and accomplishments in their learning this school year!
A special thank you to our Grade One Mass volunteers on Thursday. Thank you to our friends who read, who carried the gifts to the altar and to the students who responded to the prayers nicely and clearly. Thank you also to all the parents who were able to attend Mass.
Here are some notes for the week:
Word Study Unit: VCe Review & Exceptions
Student of the Week: Belle
Open Parachute Unit (at School): Protection, Boundaries & Perspective-Taking
Open Parachute Unit (at Home): Saying No
- Home Reading folders (if forgotten on Thursday)
- PE with Mr. Kelly
- Music with Mr. Kelly
- PE with Mr. Kelly
- 2 pm dismissal
- Mass led by Grade 6
- White Spot Hot Lunch
- French with Mme. Caprilli today
- Word Study Assessment: VCe Review & Exceptions
- P.E. with Mr. Kelly
- Home Reading Books due
Upcoming Dates:
- Tuesday, May 2nd – Sacrament of Confirmation
- Wednesday, May 3rd – Grade 7/K assembly
- Thursday, May 4th – Grade 3 Mass
- Friday, May 5th – Fukuroku Hot lunch for those that ordered
- Saturday, May 6th- First Communion celebration Mass
Please email us at kdossantos@stpaulschool.ca and mcarroll@stpaulschool.ca, or write a note in your child’s agenda if you have any questions or concerns.
Mrs. Dos Santos & Ms. Carroll 🙂