
September 19th-23rd

This week, Kindergarten learned that they are all part of a family! As we begin full day Kindergarten this Wednesday, September 21st, we look forward to coming together as a full class. Thank you, parents, for organizing your schedules around gradual entry. Your support has been greatly appreciated!

Our Featured Image 

This week we read the story ‘David goes to School’ and learned about our school rules!

This Week at a Glance:


  • No school – Day of mourning for Queen Elizabeth II


  • Group A: 8:45-12:00
  • Group B: 12:45-3:00
  • PE today with Mr. Kelly
  • AGM/Meet the Teacher Night @ 6:30 pm
  • Walkathon volunteer form due.


  • Full-Day Kindergarten begins!
  • PE today with Mr. Kelly
  • Dismissal @ 2:00 pm


  • School Mass @ 9:15 am
    • Please wear full uniform (including sweater)
  • French today with Madame Caprilli


  • Music today with Mr. Kelly

Friendly Reminders for this Week:

  1. September Items- Thank you for sending in the “Items needed for September”. A checklist outlining any items your child still needs to bring has been sent home today. If you are still missing items, please bring them in on Tuesday.
  2. Flashcards– Our fall DIBELS assessment will begin soon. Please send your child’s alphabet and number cards back to school by Friday September 23rd . Thank you to those who have already returned your package!
  3. Birthday Celebration– If you wish to have your child share a special treat with the whole class on his/her birthday, please ensure that the item is individually wrapped and nut-free. All treats will be sent home at the end of the day.
  4. Walkathon- Please continue to get pledges for the upcoming Walk-a-thon, on September 29th. Pledges and donations are due by October 11th.

Please let us know if you have any questions, comments, or concerns.


Miss Maye & Miss Guevara