
May 23-27

This week, Kindergarten concluded their  Recycling unit by going on a field trip to the Recycling Depot! A few weeks ago, the children got the opportunity to see how recycling collection works, by having a recycling truck visit the school! Then, yesterday, they were able to see where all their recyclables get taken and sorted. The kids were excited to hear what their different recyclables could get turned into and pledged to create less waste!

This Week at a Glance:

Show & Tell Theme: My Favourite Game


  • No School- Victoria Day


Show & Tell: Olivia C.

  • PE today
  • Nature Walk today


Show & Tell: Ella

  • Gr. 7 Fundraiser Order Forms due today (see attachment below for more information)
  • PE today
  • School Assembly led by Grade 7 and Kindergarten @ 1:00 in the gym ~ please join us!
  • Early Dismissal @ 2:00


Show & Tell: Micah

  • School Mass @ 9:00 am ~ please join us!
    • Please wear full uniform (including sweater)
  • White Spot Hot Lunch (for those who ordered)
    • Please bring your own cutlery!
  • French today


Show & Tell: Chloe

  • White Spot Hot Lunch (for those who ordered)
    • Please bring your own cutlery!
  • Music today


  1. 10 to 15 minutes of home reading (please use “My Reading” book, “My Read Well” book, online reading programs, library books, or books from home)
  2. Genius Hour – Thank you for bringing in your child’s Talking Tub to school. The students have been very excited to share what they have collected with the class! If your child hasn’t brought theirs in, please do so on Tuesday.
  3. I’m a Gift from God- Please check your email for information on the I’m a Gift from God program that we will be starting next week. The Parent Package and Student Activity Book will be sent home next week as well. We kindly remind you to check your email regularly as we will be sending out which lessons to review with your child and which pages of the workbook your child is expected to complete at home. We thank you, in advance, for your support!
  4.  “My Read Well” book– Please review the letter of the week and use the “Parent Prompt” questions (found on the bottom of the page) with your child.
    • If you notice that your child has not finished the back of their Letter Record page in class, please brainstorm with them three words that begin with that letter. Then, have them write down the three words on the dotted lines and draw their corresponding pictures in the blank box.

Friendly Reminders:

  1. Homework folders– These will continue to be sent home every day. Please check the folders daily and send them back to school every day as your child is expected to hand them in each morning.
  2. Gr. 7 Fundraiser– Please take a look inside your children’s homework folders for “Leaving with a Big Bang” order forms. This is the Grade 7 fundraiser that will be taking place on Friday, June 17th to raise money for Ukrainian refugees. Order forms are due on Wednesday, May 25th and your child will receive their orders on the day of the fundraiser. Please see the attachment below for more information.
  3. Sunny Day Ready – We have had such beautiful, sunny days lately, so we ask that you remember to send any protective gear your child may need! Hats and sunblock are welcome! As with everything else that gets sent to school, please ensure it is clearly labelled.
  4. Toys – Just a friendly reminder that unless it is your child’s show and tell, please be sure to keep toys at home, so that they don’t get lost or broken at school.

Upcoming Dates:

  1. Monday, May 30th– Nova Hot Lunch (for those who ordered)
  2. Thursday, June 2nd–  White Spot Hot Lunch (for those who ordered)
  3. Friday, June 3rd– Professional Development Day (No School)

Please let us know if you have any questions, comments, or concerns.

With love,

Miss Wu & Miss Guevara &

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