Grade 6

Oct. 4-Oct. 8

Thank you to those parents who were able to come out to our Garry Point Endurance Challenge to support our class and our school! We are so proud of the heroic effort our kids put in today!

In a few weeks in language, students will be presenting a book that they have read in a book talk to their peers and talking about different features of the book, such as narrative, characters, setting, themes, etc.
Please remind your child to make sure that they have a book picked by Monday and encourage them to start reading it, and have the reading plan provided on Google Classroom completed so that they will be able to present it in the coming weeks.
Next week, we will be finishing up Unit#2-Understanding number in “Math Makes Sense”, Lessons 8-9, and beginning to start studying Decimals in Unit 3.
In language next week, we will be talking about different features of the book, such as narrative, characters, setting, themes, and we will be practicing with voice in writing, and then writing a letter as a child who is attending a residential school in the past.

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving weekend!


Mr. Graham

“Give thanks to the Lord for he is good, for his love endures forever”