Grade 6

Nov. 23 – 27

Dear Grade 6 Families,

This Sunday marks the end of our liturgical year and we have a special opportunity to celebrate Jesus’ great love for us on the Feast of Christ the King. Even though we cannot attend Mass in-person, I would encourage all families to participate in the virtual Parish Mass on Sunday as we end our liturgical year knowing that God is with us in these uncertain times.

Thank you for your support of our fundraiser for The Door is Open on Thursday! My wish is that everyone’s travel dreams are realized. It was wonderful to have something to look forward to!

Homework for this weekend includes:


  1. Read everyday for 30minutes both quietly and aloud (fiction and non-fiction)


  1. Review: Order of Operations, Integers and Multiplication tables – due Monday

Remember: Practice Makes Perfect!


  1. Review the verb AVOIR. Practice Étienne’s song found on Stream – due Monday


Dec. 4 – Fukuroku Hot Lunch (please bring your own cutlery)

November Scholastic Book Order:

Please email us if you have any questions or concerns.


Mrs. Caprilli and Ms. Carroll &