Hi Grade One Families!
Welcome back to school! A special welcome to our 4 new families! We welcome Amanda, Karsten, Sebbie & Rosie and their families to the St. Paul School Community. We hope you all had a relaxing summer vacation! We are so excited for a wonderful school year together, and we feel blessed to be your children’s teachers this year.
We will be sending an email through to the Grade 1 Families group. Please reply to the email, so that we can confirm that you are receiving them.
Mrs. Dos Santos will be teaching Monday-Wednesday, and Ms. Carroll will be teaching Thursday & Friday. This year we are blessed to have Mrs. Mallari as our Learning Support Teacher and Mrs. Verma as our Educational Assistant!
We would also like to thank Yuike Luo for volunteering to be our homeroom parent this year! We look forward to a wonderful year working together.
This week at a glance:
Tuesday, September 5
- First Day of School!
- Please bring a snack, water bottle, and backpack
- Early Dismissal @ Noon
Wednesday, September 6
- Early Dismissal @ 2:00 pm
Thursday, September 7
- School Mass @ 9:15 am ~ please join us!
- Please wear full uniform (including sweater)
- Regular dismissal @ 3:00 pm
Friday, September 8
- Assembly @ 9am in the gym ~ please join us!
- Regular dismissal @ 3:00 pm
Items to bring in by Friday, September 15:
- Extra Clothes- Clear Ziploc Bag of Extra Clothes (not uniform) that will stay in the children’s locker in case of accidents.
- PE Shoes- please place them in gym bag. This will stay in the children’s locker throughout the year.
- Headphones- please make sure they are labelled. They will stay in class for the year.
- 4×6 family photo- you do not need to send a frame, just the photo.
- 4×6 Birthday photo- for the birthday wall. Please write your child’s grade, first and last name, and birthday on the back
- Rainboots- (optional). These can stay in the classroom, or you can ask your children to bring them home at the end of the week
- 1 box of tissues- to share with class throughout the year
It is always important for us to openly communicate, so please do not hesitate to email us at kdossantos@stpaulschool.ca and mcarroll@stpaulschool.ca or write us a note in your child’s agenda if you have any questions or concerns. We look forward to working together to help support your child this year!
We look forward to a wonderful year together,
Mrs. D & Ms. Carroll