Grade 1


Students are expected to wear their full school uniform everyday unless we have a planned non-uniform day (which will be on the school calendar and class blog).

The uniform policy is in the Parent Handbook which can be accessed on the school website.

Please remember that hair accessories must match the uniform.

On PE days, students wear their PE t-shirt and shorts underneath their regular uniform. PE running shoes will be left at school in each child’s individual locker. Grade One PE days are: Monday, Wednesday and Friday. This will be noted on the weekly blog posts as well. Please practice putting on and taking off their school uniform with the PE uniform underneath (including shoes). For the tunics, you can add a simple pin, key ring or string at the back to help with the unzipping.  

On rainy and snowy days (as well as cloudy and sunny days!), the students will be playing outside. They should wear boots to school and bring their school shoes with them in their backpacks. Due to locker space, we do not keep rain boots or rain jackets at school. You are welcome to send extra socks in the backpack as well just in case of wet feet!

If you would like to send extra clothes for your child to wear in case of bathroom emergencies or falling in puddles etc. please send them in a bag labelled with your child’s name and we will store the bag in your child’s locker to be used if needed.

It is very important that all of your child’s personal belongings (including clothes!) are labelled with first and last name please.